I'm Trying to get back on but it wont let me! I saw Frosty's comment!
I got on but dont see anyone...
Oh great! Mammoth is FULL! The party didn't turn out so good but it was fun! I got to take pictures. Well, i got off at 3:00 and i am thinking about setting up a new party...
Thanks Frosty for setting it up. It will be remembered as CPGA's first Party!
Dear Brownie Wen,
I apoligize greatly for what happened at that party! Polar Amigo was sick in bed, which I just found out, Bruen5 couldn't get on the server, Gapboy999 couldn't get on it either, Snowbuddy555 went on the wrong server and Molly222 got on for a short amount of time but her computer had to be shut down due to her virus. I did get on for a second or two, but accidently logged off and couldn't get back on! I actulley did see some penguins who where invited to the party there, so the word must have spred! If you would like to, I myself will be in the night club on the server mammoth right now! It would rock if you came!
Hey brownie wen, happy presidents day! I read your comment on my blog about the link and I wanted to see if you could somehow make your advertisment smaller! Its WAY too big and you can't read the intire image! Tell me when you get a new one!
P.S. Lately CPGA has been advertising with alot of sites(molly222 cp cheats, yours, the pink potato etc.) and where gonna let our viewers learn a little more about the penguins in charge of those sites. So, we're gonna set up interviews for those penguins!(including you) Not now but some time soon we're going to interview you inside my igloo so read my blog for information!
I will love you to make me a logo that would be great and I was talking to Gapboy999 last night and I told him about the party and he would love to meet you on some day to be on your buddy list. Have a great day Molly222
hey brownie wen! Molly222 put up her new logo and it looks great! Maybe you could make a logo for me? I would like one that is not as big as the others if thats ok! Thanks again for everything!
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