I'll just post now
Why post later if you can post now? I agree. So that's why I am posting this post. And I need some good ideas for gettting my blog popular. I figured that I have enough pages but not enough people (and comments). So if you can help in any way, please do!
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Dear Brownie Wen,
Right now, I'm kinda making a new "part" of my blog. I want to advertise your blog here, but have one questin. Can you change your advertisement on CPGA a little bit? Maybe make it a little more cooler. This new advertisement won't be going on CPGA, but some where else... (Don't worry, no where bad!)
dear brownie wen,
I noticed that you have an upcoming event widget on the side of your blog. How did you get this?
P.S. Don't worry about that new logo thing! I wasn't thinking straight, yours is fine how it is!
We have some bad and good news involving Club Penguin Global Academy. The bad news is its shutting down. The good news is I'm opening a new blog called Club Penguin Neighborhood!We are wondering if we're alowed to advertise your blog on CPN. Do you except? Please comment back on this page:
-Frostylittle Former President of CPGA and now President of CPN
P.S. Sorry if this comment is a little boring. I had to send it to EVERYONE who was involved in CPGA!
Is your blog closing until the summer?
Hey Brownie Wen! Remember me? You commented on my site back in October 7th, 2008. You commented on my first post. Remember yet? No? Well here is what you said in the comment: "Hey! want to become more famous? I’ll advertize your site FOR FREE if you go to behindthepenguin.blogspot.com and leave a comment! and i’ll create a logo FOR FREE for you and put you on my blog roll FOR FREE! You just have to leave a comment! And soon a section may come out on Behind the Penguin that helps new sites develop. Thanks!
~Brownie Wen"
Well if you don't remember then you can always go back and see. See ya! -Pinkgirl3919
Dear Brownie Wen,
You, and ten other penguins involved some how in CPN are invited for a Summer Eviction game that will take part this summer. Once a week, I will give each of the ten penguins a challenge. (usually some thing involving CP) Than, the one penguin that doesn't complete the challenge at all or perfoms poorly will be evicted. For this competition to work, you'll probably need an email or blog,(which you have) so I'll have proof for the challenges. I'll be hosting the competetion, and it will be called Neighborhood Survival. It would be an honor for you to join. Do you want to join?
-Frostylittle, President of CPN
P.S. Don't worry if you going on vacation for a week or so, I'll make sure your safe!
Ok, I'm asking for something again....sorry, but would you able to tell/teach me how you did your banner for your blog, its just sooo cool!
This is a comment that i hope will cover every thing that people have said!
To Frosty little:
Yes it is ok that you advertize on your new site. And my blog is kind of going slow so it may seem like i'm closing for summer but i'm not. Anymore questions?
To Pinkgirl3919:
Yes i remember that. Now I have a speacial section called the "logos" section. Click on it on the side of the home page!
Dear Musicbubb:
Who are you? (if you want a logo or banner, go to the logos section) And if you want to become a friend of behind the penguin check out the friends list section
Below is an invitation to an AWESOME summer event! It would be SWEEEET if you joined!
Dear Brownie Wen,
You, and ten other penguins involved some how in CPN are invited for a Summer Eviction game that will take part this summer. Once a week, I will give each of the ten penguins a challenge. (usually some thing involving CP) Than, the one penguin that doesn't complete the challenge at all or perfoms poorly will be evicted. For this competition to work, you'll probably need an email or blog,(which you have) so I'll have proof for the challenges. I'll be hosting the competetion, and it will be called Neighborhood Survival. It would be an honor for you to join. Do you want to join?
-Frostylittle, President of CPN
P.S. Don't worry if you going on vacation for a week or so, I'll make sure your safe!
COMMENT BACK ON MY new blog at: clubpenguinneighborhood.blogspot.com
I was thinking, to get your blog popular, is to maybe follow famous or popular blogs......or followers of famous blogs, so you will be noticed, and hopefully, soon get lots of publicity. ;)
By the way, if you want to know who I am; I obviously play club penguin, but I'm trying to set up my own blog.... :)
Cool!! :-)
hey can u advertise my blog here
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